Your Voice Needed: Yes On SB 288!
Senate Bill 288, introduced by Sen. Tonya Anderson, allows for the restriction of certain misdemeanors convictions, with exceptions. If Georgia is a state that believes in redemption, then we must start acting like it. Please save and share the below graphics, and contact the members of the Special Committee on Access to the Civil Justice System to ask that they vote YES on SB288. The members’ emails and phone numbers are accessible here. If you want to Tweet at members of the Committee, their handles are below. Let them know that SB288 strengthens our economy and improves job opportunities for Georgians!
@RepTreyKelley @MandiBallinger @voteboddie62 @ChuckEfstration @flemingbarrya @houstongaines @GreeneforGa @RepScottHolcomb @mmo_mary @andywelchga