Legislative Update – Day 27
Tomorrow will mark Legislative Day 28, Crossover Day. This is this session’s deadline for legislators in each chamber to pass legislation from one chamber to the next. If a bill fails to pass and crossover, it is ineligible for passage during the 2024 legislative session. That means our work will focus on helping bills we support to crossover while working with allies to prevent as many harmful bills from crossing over as possible.
Please read below about important legislation and learn how you can put advocacy into action by attending Justice Day at the Capitol tomorrow! For a detailed list of the bills we are tracking, you can review our 2024 Bill Tracker.
HB 1014: Standard of Proof in Intellectual Disability Determinations
- After much discussion between partners and legislators, Chairman Bill Werkheiser’s bill has been tabled while stakeholders on all sides to make improvements to it before the 2025 session. As a reminder, HB 1014 lowers the standard of proof and provides a pre-trial hearing to determine intellectual disability. We will be working over the spring and summer post-session with Chairman Werkheiser, the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council, and other advocacy partners such as GACDL and GFADP, to come together around a version of this bill so that Georgia is no longer a dangerous outlier causing people who live with intellectual disability to be executed.
HB 1054: Refusal to Sign Traffic Citation Bill
- Rep. Yasmin Neal’s bill, which removes the signature requirement for people issued traffic citations, passed the Georgia House of Representatives on February 21 by a vote of 156-10. The bill will be considered post-Crossover Day by the Senate Committee on Judiciary.
Last Week at the Capitol
The legislature convened for Legislative Days 23 through 25.
This Week at the Capitol
The legislature convened for Legislative Days 26 through 27.
Next Week at the Capitol
The legislature will convene for Legislative Days 29 through 32.
As a reminder, the hearing schedule, including agendas and live stream links, can be viewed on the legislature’s website.
Upcoming Advocacy Days
Justice Day 2024: Justice is a Family Affair
It’s time! Join us TOMORROW, February 29, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Central Presbyterian Church for the 13th annual Criminal Justice Advocacy Day at the capitol. For more information on how to register, please visit the JRP’s website.
Talk Justice Tuesday 2024: Youth Justice
Talk Justice Tuesday is a state legislative series to discuss the issues and solutions important to communities impacted by criminal legal systems and identify strategies for moving forward. We’ll dive deep into specific criminal legal policy questions and hear from community members, advocates, and lawmakers about opportunities for reform in 2024 and beyond.
Upcoming TJT Sessions:
- March 12: Legislative Action: Last Call
Find more information about Talk Justice Tuesdays and register on the JRP’s website.